ルポ アフリカ最後の植民地と人びと
8月8日発売の岩波書店『世界』9月号の特集枠に、「ルポ アフリカ最後の植民地と人びと」を寄稿しました。
「アフリカ 『開発』でも『援助』でもなく向き合う」とのタイトルを携えた本特集には、大切な視点を伴った言葉があふれています。アフリカを考える全ての方々に、ぜひ。
My article was published today on SEKAI, which is a quality magazine in Japan.
The title is “Reportage / The people in the last colony of Africa”. I wrote about the Western Sahara issue.
The sceneries of occupied and liberated area in Western Sahara, the voices of Saharawi people, how Morocco hide the truth, natural resources of Western Sahara, serious problem for human rights in occpied area and their struglle for the future are included.
Saharawi’s community and society is like clams. The wall of shame can not divide them.